Born in Nairobi, Kenya and educated in the UK, Fiona then went to the London Film School and has an MA from the University of East Anglia in Scriptwriting.
Fiona was a founder member of Stonewall, UK’s leading cross-party LGBT lobbying organisation.
Here’s a bio and a trip down memory lane…

After graduating from the London International Film School, she worked in the camera department as clapper loader, focus puller, camera operator to director of photography.
Fiona worked on many feature films as camera assistant, including Biddy, My Beautiful Laundrette, Superman 3, Sammy and Rosie get Laid, Straight to Hell, 1919,
It was also the era of pop promos and commercials – Fiona vaguely remembers some of them such as Queen, “I WANT TO BREAK FREE”, Culture Club, Eddie Grant, Madonna, “LIKE A VIRGIN” and many commercials.
Fiona also worked as DOP on Privileged, Rhythm and Blues, The Lake.
Fiona also directed Thin Ice before making documentaries which is where she is happiest, exploring just some of the stories we’re surrounded by. Most of Fiona’s films are shaped and edited by Catherine Arend.